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8 reasons to get into food delivery

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

8 reasons to get into food delivery

Some statistics immediately jump out at you when it comes to food delivery, so, we’ll start with those that have fuelled the meteoritic growth of this service.

8 reasons to get into food delivery chart

1. 13% of the entire US restaurant market was taken up by online food delivery during COVID-19 (Statista)

2. By 2025, online food delivery is expected to grow to a 21% share of the total restaurant market (Statista)

3. China was the country which generated the most food delivery revenue during 2020 (Statista)

4. By 2025, online food delivery is expected to grow to a 21% share of the total restaurant market (Statista)

5. The number of people using food delivery services across Europe is expected to reach 96.9 million by 2024 (Statista)

6. 80% of Americans have ordered food for home delivery at some stage (Grubhub)

7. 63% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 are more likely to use food delivery apps (Zion & Zion)

8. 8% of Americans have at least one subscription to a meal kit delivery service.

Secret stat point. The First online ordering and delivery service was launched in 1994.

That secret stat point is particularly important, because it reveals that online food ordering has been around for an awfully long time; it isn’t a new-fangled bandwagon that’s going to disappear into the distance. It really is here to stay.

That first online delivery service was created by - you guessed it - Pizza Hut, and it worked out pretty well for them, didn’t it? As it turns out, they were simply massively ahead of the curve.


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