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Release notes 35

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

Cove for the release notes for the food delivery platform and apps provider

In order to effectively manage online sales and interactions, owners and marketers of delivery services need to keep up with the latest updates. In this article, we will discuss some of the latest enhancements to Playfood - the food delivery software platform. This time, most of them have been made into marketplace management systems to make them more efficient and easier to manage.

1. Extended non-restaurant launch banners opportunities

For those partners, who choose Onde integrated solution, we usually suggest performing the non-restaurant launches. That means that we upload a “Food delivery” button into the Onde Passenger app and place a banner with a special offer or a message that redirects users to an external link: a survey, landing page, site, etc.

In this sprint we’ve updated this future so that now there can be more than one variety of marketing tests and solutions. Such links can lead to:

  • Google forms (to collect customers' data);

  • CMS pages on your marketplace (to share special offers and information);

  • Even links to our apps in the AppStore and Google Play to enable them to download separate apps.

This feature offers plenty of options for marketers and owners for tests to increase orders and grow customer loyalty.

2. Streamlined order cancellation

We have made significant improvements to the order cancellation process by introducing an automated system that can determine returns and process refunds based on who canceled the order and when it was canceled. This smart cancellation behavior significantly reduces manual intervention in exceptional cases. Now both parties will be informed automatically and immediately by text messages. We have extended our detailed order report with more information to help managers track cancellations. These changes include enhanced cancellation capability for call center managers, ensuring streamlined and efficient cancellation handling.

3. Secure and error-free pickup flow

We have simplified and made the pickup confirmation process configuration more transparent. We offer two clear options for different App solutions:

  1. For the Onde Driver App both the courier and vendor receive a pin code along with the order ID. This can be checked verbally during the pickup process to prevent fraud or human error.

  2. When using the Playfood Courier app, there are two possible pickup flows:

  • The courier can only pick up the order by scanning a QR code on the vendor's app screen or on the guest bill printout (or by entering the pin code manually).

  • Verbal communication of the pin code is also an option (as in case 1.).

These changes help to ensure pickup security and reduce mistakes.

4. Smooth marketplace catalog experience

We have enhanced the catalog user experience in the integrated Playfood section in the Onde Passenger App by removing unsteady, abrupt loading. Additionally, we have added visual transitions and loadings to give customers clear and pleasant feedback. These changes aim to improve customer engagement by making it easier to understand each step of the process, ultimately leading to increased conversion rates.

Take advantage of the latest features to make a significant difference to the business bottom line. More features coming soon, stay tuned!


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